Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Cafe Tamar

Cafe Tamar has been around the Tel Aviv cafe scene since the 50's and has been serving the bohemian art and literary set ever since. Now, you can since next little old ladies with done-up hair and the occasional actor/poet, while the mythological Sara Stern serves you coffee, the way it used to be.
An americano coffee and a tuna salad

Sara behind the cash register

Cafe Tamar
57 Shenkin street (the corner of Echad Ha'am street)
Tel Aviv
tel 03 685237


  1. breakfast served like in my grandmother's kitchen, from the food to the furniture... simple and good. rena, not commonly in my grandmother's kitchen, made the morning wonderful.

  2. thanks for coming with. next time we'll hit up the sandwich place next door?
